Friday, July 8, 2011

Ninjamurai [NPUZ-00253] CWCheats

Well here's a new PSP Mini game ought to bring you some sidescrolling fun. Ninjamurai is basically Sega's Shinobi, Strider Hiryu and Sonic the Hedgehog in one. I've played Shinobi in the very bulky Sega Gamegear—by today's standards at the least—before and I can't even get past the fourth level. That's how hard the game was. Personally I've yet to get this game, but if Ninjamurai is anywhere near as difficult as Shinobi, I just might try it out.

Anyway, you'll be playing as a man only known to the world as the Ninjamurai. I reckon he's both a ninja and a samurai at the same time, duh. For more info on this PSP Mini, go HERE. But for the mean time, enjoy the Ninjamurai [NPUZ-00253] CWCheats below:

_S NPUZ-00253

_G Ninjamurai [PSP Minis]

_C0 Infinite Lives

_L 0x204DA748 0x00000009

_C0 Infinite Health

_L 0x204DA750 0x00000009

_C0 Infinite Ninja Magic

_L 0x204DA74C 0x00000009

_C0 Infinite Kunai

_L 0x2008344C 0x00000009

Credits to eighthdayregret for making the Ninjamurai [NPUZ-00253] CWCheats. He took the liberty and initiative to write codes for a good game that would otherwise be biting dust plainly because it's labeled as a PSP Mini.

'Till my next installment.

P.S. There are lots of good Minis out there. Don't just stick to what is "in."

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